Gratitude / November 4 2012

I’ve decided that my Friday posts will always be about things that I am grateful for, from during the week. So here is my first post, albeit the next one will actually be posted on a Friday!).

1- Mini treats

Twice this week I was surprised with delicious treats at 3pm- my favorite time to have sugar! Mini cupcakes, mini tarts and mini chocolate eclairs (yes, one day I had two!).

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Custom Made Bridesmaid Dress

So after completing my first couture session (a vogue skirt) at a couture school, I decided that creating a dress was the next step. And what better time to flex that fashion-sewing muscle than to sew my bridesmaid dress for the upcoming wedding of my friend (in Mexico!). I decided, for moral support and help,  I would recruit of my designer-fashion-school graduate friends to help me. Together we started this project about a month ago.

It was a big project, it was fun, challenging at times and it turned out pretty darn well. Here is a little visual story of how the bridesmaid dress came to be. But first, a big thank you to my friend Stephanie for her help!

The beginning: some pretty coral taffeta fabric, a Cynthia Rowley pattern, some pins and a lot of determination!

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Trick or Treat

I choose treats!

How’s your Halloween been? I have some treats for you. Guess who is gracing the December cover of Vanity Fair? One of the most iconic fashion legends (who usually shies away from interviews) KATE MOSS. I just cant explain it but I cant get enough of her. Her style, her attitude, her everything. Can’t wait to get my copy!

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Favorite Products

I could write pages on this subject forever but instead of subjecting you to do that, I thought I would give you a little bit at a time.

Right now I cant get enough of Korres Guava shower gel. This product is heavenly (I’m not surprised because Korres, to date, has never let me down). A bit more pricier than your average body wash but my dear readers, this a well deserved treat. And your skin will thank you.

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Week-End Stuff

What a weekend. As usual it flew by so quickly. I sewed all day yesterday (i’m working on a dress with a friend which I will reveal here soon) and last night we went to a really fun oyster party. Today we slept in (noon) I felt like a teenager… I never sleep that late! After an amazing catch up with some friends on Google + T and I went to the market to stock the fridge for the week. This week is going to be a very promising menu!

Feeling lazy and a little tired while Terry cooked dinner (my part was roasting cauliflower!) I perused the internet to see what was new. Here are a few cool things that I found.

This genius video from Chanel, it’s a mini documentary on the history of the famous Chanel No 5 perfume.

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I like to start my day by making coffee, preparing snacks for the day and then I begin the “What am I Going to Wear Game”. I plan my outfit according to what I am going to do that day and my mood. Say, I’m going to the gym at lunch, I’ll wear something that is easy to get off and on. Yesterday morning I was stuck. Really stuck. Fashion disaster bad. Outfit after outfit failed after the next and the closet did not seem to offer and solutions to my first world problem. I made it to work in something that I spent the rest of the day being uncomfortable (outfit looked ok, tights were too small in the waist).

Do you suffer from the same thing? Planning the night before saves time but sometimes your mind completely changes in the morning and you feel like fashioning something else.

Have you tried all neutral camel all over?

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Eating out in Toronto

I spent the weekend in Toronto, visiting one of my good friends (Maria) who I grew up with. She has now lived there for nearly two years and is in on all the amazing places to eat. So I was prepared for what she said, to eat my way through Toronto. She’s also known to lead visitors through catered-to-them walking tours. So, you burn what you eat and get to see cool parts of the city that most likely would have been missed  while driving!

Here are a few of the places we went to. All delicious, but my absolute favorite was Local Kitchen. Try them all out and let me know what you think!

I arrived in Toronto at 4:45, by train and met her at the Royal York where she works. I got a great tour of the kitchen, it’s the biggest in Canada. I sampled the macaroons (delicious) and we went to her apartment to drop off my stuff and get ready for what was the beginning of the food tour.

Can you believe the size of these soups pots?! Now that’s how you make soup! Continue reading

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Olive Orange

Last night Terry and I went for our first tasting at Olive Orange at their restaurant in the Usine C. This caterer came highly recommended to us through various friends and acquaintances. they are really good and you should pay them a visit! We left very full and very happy!

I can’t reveal any of the foods we tried -no spoiler alerts on game day- but I can say that the menu is going to “wow” you. We want big taste, color and everything to beat the last.

We’re so excited with planning our wedding, though lots of work we want the wedding to reflect our personalities and to truly be ours.

I’m off to Toronto for the weekend for what I’ve been told will be a foodie experience. Can’t wait!


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Thanksgiving Dinner

As my parents were gone (one month in France, chanceux) I decided to host my immediate family (minus two) over for dinner… one of brothers was away sailing along with his girlfriend. Terry and I went all out. We planned for days- hey we love to cook. And Terry never declines a cooking challenge. We decided to follow Gordon Ramsay’s holiday dinner and added a little this and a little of that to the menu. I love to find recipes from good food blogs. I found this amazing butternut squash soup recipe and this pumpkin creamcheese maple pie recipe. However, I would suggest modifying the pie recipe. If you use pumpkin puree, cut it to one cup. We had too much batter left and could not use it all.

Terry was in charge of the stuffing, the potatoes, the gravy, the cranberry sauce and the big bird! Myself, (I helped Terry!) and made the pie, the vegetables and the soup (Terry helped me too!).

We had a lot of fun planning, everybody enjoyed the meal and Thanksgiving is over for another year!

Here are some highlights from the dinner.

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Pretty Fingers

Since I got engaged I have felt more of a responsibility or rather a need to keep my fingers looking extra pretty. So rather than treating myself to weekly manicures which can become quite costly (as we all know), I take a little extra time -while watching tv- to file and polish them. Instant fabulousness!

I cringe when I see this:Image

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