Custom Made Bridesmaid Dress

So after completing my first couture session (a vogue skirt) at a couture school, I decided that creating a dress was the next step. And what better time to flex that fashion-sewing muscle than to sew my bridesmaid dress for the upcoming wedding of my friend (in Mexico!). I decided, for moral support and help,  I would recruit of my designer-fashion-school graduate friends to help me. Together we started this project about a month ago.

It was a big project, it was fun, challenging at times and it turned out pretty darn well. Here is a little visual story of how the bridesmaid dress came to be. But first, a big thank you to my friend Stephanie for her help!

The beginning: some pretty coral taffeta fabric, a Cynthia Rowley pattern, some pins and a lot of determination!

Ironing is a huge part of making the perfect garment. We iron the pattern and we iron the fabric. Since my sewing class days and my experience as a stylist I have a huge appreciation for wrinkle-free and iron smooth clothes.

Pinning and measuring to perfection!

The skirt part of the dress and the pockets, freshly sewn together.

The bodice.

Et voila… excuse the ick-Saturday afternoon messy hair look, but here is the DRESS!

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