Category Archives: General

Wear Sunscreen

I’m listening to 107.7 The End as they count down the 107 songs that helped build their station and Ter and I are rather enjoying our trip down memory lane as we clean up the condo. You can tune in here (at time of publication we’re at song 60). This was a blast from the past, do you remember Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen? Baz Luhrmann’s reading of an essay about some pretty amazing life tips published in 1997 by Mary Schmich for the Chicago Tribune.


Happy Holidays

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The concert for hurricane Sandy relief. I would have loved to be there right now, but I didn’t win tickets and there were no tickets to be found! But luckily it’s being broadcast live so we’ve been watching it all evening and I can’t wait for Chris Martin, Kanye, Paul McCartney and the rumoured Nirvana reunion.

Isn’t this the concert of the century? I love how so many amazing people have come together to help support the relief for the victims of the devastating hurricane. You people make me proud.

Donate to the Robin Hood Relief Fund.


beatle-nirvanaFingers crossed!



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Gratitude / November 4 2012

I’ve decided that my Friday posts will always be about things that I am grateful for, from during the week. So here is my first post, albeit the next one will actually be posted on a Friday!).

1- Mini treats

Twice this week I was surprised with delicious treats at 3pm- my favorite time to have sugar! Mini cupcakes, mini tarts and mini chocolate eclairs (yes, one day I had two!).

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Trick or Treat

I choose treats!

How’s your Halloween been? I have some treats for you. Guess who is gracing the December cover of Vanity Fair? One of the most iconic fashion legends (who usually shies away from interviews) KATE MOSS. I just cant explain it but I cant get enough of her. Her style, her attitude, her everything. Can’t wait to get my copy!

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Week-End Stuff

What a weekend. As usual it flew by so quickly. I sewed all day yesterday (i’m working on a dress with a friend which I will reveal here soon) and last night we went to a really fun oyster party. Today we slept in (noon) I felt like a teenager… I never sleep that late! After an amazing catch up with some friends on Google + T and I went to the market to stock the fridge for the week. This week is going to be a very promising menu!

Feeling lazy and a little tired while Terry cooked dinner (my part was roasting cauliflower!) I perused the internet to see what was new. Here are a few cool things that I found.

This genius video from Chanel, it’s a mini documentary on the history of the famous Chanel No 5 perfume.

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Yesterday Terry and I struck gold, we had perfect sailing conditions aboard my parent’s sailboat. We had been waiting all summer to go, but each opportunity that we had to go sailing there was no wind! That and my parents were gone for a better part of the summer on the boat.

So yesterday was our first sail and our last sail of the season. It was a beauty. The wind was 12 knots, shifty at times though and it was sunny. We tacked our way up the lake and about 1 hour 1/2 later we gybed downwind all the way back to the yacht club.

Motoring out in the channel on our way out to the big lake. Check out this beautiful vintage sailboat we passed on our way out.

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