Insanity Body

I did probably the most rare thing this past January, rather than joining a gym, I cancelled my gym membership. I had been at the same gym for 5 years and I was bored. My boyfriend had told me about these crazy programs P90X, Insanity, Asylum and I decided to take the leap of faith and try Insanity. I ended up LOVING IT. It’s such a great program and though I admit due to some life circumstances I sometimes cant work out every day -sorry Shaun-T- but I do try to follow it as rigorously as possible and I am seing results. I also have so much more energy.

I never thought I would be a person who would be motivated to work out on my own, but the classes are fun; it’s interval training, 2and the workouts at the longest are 40 minutes. I do them right after I get home from work. Like most people, sometimes I’m not motivated to do it but I remember how good I feel when I finish and that is motivation in itself.

Here is a clip of the workout:

You can order your own version here

Let me know how it goes for you, I already have a handful of friends who are on board! Hope you are too! Get ready to dig deep!

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